Raw honey 8oz by CW Apothecary is best described as honey “as it exists in the beehive". It is made by extracting honey from the honeycombs of the hive that are placed all over the northwest.Our honey is minimally processed to preserve it natural honey properties. The honey is lightly filtered to remove bee parts and other larger material that is not necessary, but The live enzymes and yeasts are present. Our honey is not pasteurized. If you have allergies buying raw local honey is the way to go.
Raw honey contains specific components that can offer health benefits. Bee pollen, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, bee propolis, a glue-like substance that helps keep the hive together certain vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and antioxidants, that being said - raw honey may offer more powerful health benefits, in terms of healing wounds and fighting infections, than regular honey. If you have allergies it is always good to buy raw honey that is from hives in your area. For many people their allergies go away.
Bee Pollen:
Raw honey contains bee pollen and has many benefits. Bee Pollen has antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory effects, antibacterial and antifungal action, and pain-relieving properties. This makes bee pollen a useful addition to honey and can contribute to honey’s natural ability to heal wounds and kill bacteria. Bee pollen also contains amino acids, vitamins A and C, and small amounts of nutrients including calcium, magnesium, and sodium.
Bee Propolis:
Raw honey contains bee propolis which is the sticky substance that bees use to build their hives and hold the structures together. This glue-like substance not only helps the bees, but some scientists believe that it is healthful for humans as well. Bee propolis, found in raw honey, may have: anti-inflammatory effects, anti-cancer and antiulcer action antifungal effects, and Bee propolis also contains B vitamins, vitamins C and E, magnesium, potassium, and beneficial enzymes.