Cw Apothecary Calendula Infused Oil is made from dried Calendula infused in Hemp Seed Oil - Virgin, Coconut Oil - RBD, and Vitamin E Natural Non GMO Oil. This Calendula infused oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that might make it useful in healing wounds, soothing eczema, and relieving diaper rash.
CW Apothecary is one of the leading suppliers of Marigold (Calendula). The bright Wispy, canary yellow petals are Citrus-like with a peppery or bitter finish, were once used as a coloring agent for textiles and food, most notably cheese. Today, calendula petals are added to tea blends, and tinctured or infused in oil for use in creams, lotions, salves, lip balms and other cosmetic items.
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